FCA DC Spring Celebration

Team Captain Registration

What is a “Team Captain”? Individuals that commit to inviting 10 people as their guests. If 10 people register, the team captain receives a special gift from FCA. The team captain with the most guests attending wins a prize.

Team captains can be current coaches, volunteers, donors, friends and fans of FCA DC ministry. Think “table host,” but without the table. All attendees will still need to register. The team captain’s name will be listed as an option on the attendee registration form.

Team captains are asked to arrive at 6:45PM. Doors officially open at 7PM for check-in.

Interested in serving FCA DC in this way?

Register as a TEAM CAPTAIN here!

save the date

March 22, 2023 / 7-9PM

Location: Capital Turnaround (Navy Yard, DC)

A formal, awards show-style event to celebrate the past year, highlight active ministry participants and cast vision for the next year.